Hi, As you have already guessed, I'm working on an MPP importer for Planner. The code is based on MPXJ project [1]. The project actually has converter to planner format, but I gave it up after JAXB errors. Besides, requiring Java just for an importer seems overkill to me. There are three MPP flavors (according to MPXJ). I'm working on MPP9 as I have to read it. And because I don't know what MS Project produces what MPP version (plus I don't have MS Project), I can only work on MPP9. There are still several things to do to properly import MPP9 but it can basically show tasks, resources and task assignments now. If anyone can play with the attached code and give some feedbacks, it would be highly appreciated as I only have some MPP9 files. The code consists of an MPP dumper to convert MPP to XML and mpp2planner.xsl to convert the result XML to planner. I don't have proper build support for it now but you could compile it with gcc mpp.c -o mpp $(pkg-config libgsf-1 --cflags --libs) and run XSL transformation with xsltproc ./mpp input.mpp > output.xml xsltproc mpp2planner.xml output.xml > output.planner [1] http://mpxj.sourceforge.net -- Duy
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