Feature Requests (based on v0.14.2)

I'm using Ubuntu package version 0.14.2-2ubuntu2

Would like to see:

 -- milestones change colour when 100% complete
     (or maybe change shape for BW printers)
 -- percent complete coloum is available from
     Task View screen (listed as being worked on)
 -- Simple export to emacs org-mode (see http://orgmode.org/)

org-mode notes:

Lots of documentation here:  http://orgmode.org/org.html

Org mode is vastly more powerful than planner export requires,
no need to attempt to use all the available features... please
don't get put off by the huge documentation.

Really it just needs:
 -- task/subtask hierarchy translates to *, **, *** prefix tree
 -- "Name" field of task would be the heading (i.e. first line).
 -- "Notes" field of task would be the body of the item.
 -- TODO items for incomplete tasks.
 -- DONE items for 100% complete tasks.
 -- SCHEDULED tag for start date of task.
 -- DEADLINE tag for finish date of task.

That would be plenty.
org-mode examples (from docs):

*** TODO write article about the Earth for the Guide
The editor in charge is [[bbdb:Ford Prefect]]
DEADLINE: <2004-02-29 Sun>

*** TODO Call Trillian for a date on New Years Eve.
SCHEDULED: <2004-12-25 Sat>


Thanks if anyone wants to work on this :-)

       - Tel

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