Re: planner-0.14.3-rc2 uploaded (was: Re: Windows installer of 0.14.3 ready for testing)

On Thu, Aug 07, 2008 at 02:20:31PM +0200, Jordi Mas wrote:
> · We should pack all the languages in the installer for which Planner
> has support. Many people does not speak English, then having an English
> only installer is really a step backwards for a software that is
> localized to so many languages. 

Good idea, I'll add that to my todo list.

> · I suggest that "Translations" checkbox in the Choose Component is
> enable by default or if you wish if the user has selected another
> languages rather than English.

I did not realize it was disabled by default. I'll look into it.

> · Using Windows XP SP 2 English or Vista (I can reproduce it in two
> machines) when I do the Print Preview and I select the "Grant View" I
> get an error because there is a file missing at libgnomeprintui it
> cannot show the UI. I have not been able to print neither (:-

Yes, that problem has been found & solved. I guess I should've
cross-posted to the -dev list. Here's the message:

> I'm looking forward RC3.

In addition to these issues you mention, there's also the fact that the
help file is missing from the installer

At the moment I'm inclined to postpone these issues until the next
release (because I don't think they're serious enough to fix right now),
but it's not a strong conviction. Feel free to try and change my mind.


Maurice van der Pot

Gentoo Linux Developer   griffon26 gentoo org
Gnome Planner Developer  griffon26 kfk4ever com

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