Libgda3 patch


I finished my libgda3 patch. At 81K it's a rather big one:

To summarize the changes:

- and two's were modified to detect the libgda
  version and pass -DGDA_VERSION=NN to the compiler

- previously all sql commands were done through a single function, but 
  that is now split up into one for single queries returning data and
  one for possibly multiple commands, returning only success/failure

- return value checking is now done consistently (I think we leaked some
  GdaDataModels here and there before)

- After moving some code back and forth, the sql helper functions at the
  top of mrp-sql.c and planner-sql-plugin.c are now identical (as they 
  should be). I didn't feel it would add much to move them into a
  separate shared file, unless there's already such a shared file that
  I'm not aware of (?).

I invite anyone to give this patch some testing. It's all about database
access, so you'll have to pass --enable-database=yes to configure when

If nobody objects, I plan to check in this patch in a week or so.


Maurice van der Pot

Gentoo Linux Developer   griffon26 gentoo org
Gnome Planner Developer  griffon26 kfk4ever com

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