Re: patch for drawing left frame in usage row bars

On Mon, Sep 01, 2008 at 04:45:22AM +0100, Lee Baylis wrote:
> I agree avoiding complicating the if statements is more sensible. How about 
> the attached patch instead - I have removed all references to ROW_WHOLE in 
> the logic by using bitwise ands.
> However, I think I still prefer to use the enum to restrict/identify the 
> possible values and meanings for the bitmask, and so ROW_WHOLE still 
> appears in the enum definition for want of a better description for both 
> bits being 'on'. Are you OK with this?

Yeah, that's fine. I made three small adaptations to your patch; two of
them to make it more clear that the values are bitmasks and the last one
to remove the other FIXME comment.

>> By the way, I disagree with the other FIXME that is present near the
>> part of the code you changed:
> The reason I didn't attempt to fix this one is that I disagreed with it as 
> well, although since no thinking is given for the statement I didn't want 
> to just remove it. Is the person who wrote this comment still on this list, 
> and do they have any more info/discussion as to why they put it in? If not, 
> I am happy to remove it.

Nah, it's been written more than 3 years and 4 months ago according to
viewvc. Anyone who wants to change it will have to come up with a good
reason himself anyway, so I removed it.

Just one more thing before I commit it. Do you not like to have your
e-mail address in the source? Usually we use e-mail addresses in both
the Changelog and the copyright statements.


Maurice van der Pot

Gentoo Linux Developer   griffon26 gentoo org
Gnome Planner Developer  griffon26 kfk4ever com

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