Re: Planner xml field additions

On Fri, Apr 03, 2009 at 10:38:59PM -0400, Kurt Maute wrote:
> I believe it was something like:
> On linux, use xmlto html planner.xml
> then move the resultant files to windows, and use microsoft's htmlhelp
> workshop to convert them to .chm files.

I've used xsltproc in msys on Windows to generate the HTML, followed by
htmlhelp to create the chm:

  xsltproc /home/Administrator/docbook-xsl-.74.3/htmlhelp/htmlhelp.xsl planner.xml
  hhc htmlhelp.hhp

There is a problem with the first step in that the text flows along the
side of the images instead of starting after the image. Should I be
using a different set of xsl stylesheets and if so, where can I find
them? I used the ones at


Maurice van der Pot

Gentoo Linux Developer   griffon26 gentoo org
Gnome Planner Developer  griffon26 kfk4ever com

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