Re: Planner Health

The web part is too importante, because people need to appoint their hours writing what have they done, for how long and update the status as well!

I would like to help on the web stuff or new features. How can i do it?


2009/3/9 Kurt Maute <kurt maute us>
On Mon, 2009-03-09 at 19:01 -0300, Mario Mol wrote:

> 2. Have you considered to make a partinership with compiere or other
> opensource web base software to make a web interface using the mysql
> integration?

I'm working on this. Please see

Its pretty rough yet, but I've got:
* import data from planner xml file
* display project data similar to Planner's html export

Next (in no particular order):
* add users and authentication
* ability for team members to view their tasks & make status updates
* ability to merge an altered project plan into the database
* ability to export (& download) back to Planner xml

Longer term:
* ability to import/export to MS and other formats (via mpxj
* lots of other cool stuff

> 3. Should planner work with base of line?

I'd like to implement saving of baseline project data into webplanner.
It don't think it would be nearly as challenging as it would be in
Planner, and it would save the burden of keeping all the baseline data
in the planner file.

Kurt Maute <kurt maute us>

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