locale keeps set to english on home build planner

Here runnning PuppyLinux Dpup-Stretch-7.5 on i386 PC
Issue: have compiled the planner-maste.zip from github with no options:
# ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr
and all went well according to build comments.

Started in command line, and using an existing .planner file
# planner
does not report any comment.

The planner window keeps displaying the english menu.
I have ckeck the content of /usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/planner.mo which contains the frech translated strings.
If loading planner-0.14.6.deb together with the planner-date-0.14.6.deb 
from the debian packages repo , planner opens displaying the expected 
translated menu (french for me).
note: the reason I compile planner is I'd like to use it 
THanks for your time and for any reply.
Best regards

Bien à vous

Baré Willy sprl
Charlie Ledocq
rue du Gonoy, 114
B-5640 Saint-Gérard (Mettet)
TVA BE 0466 964 136
gsm: 0474780051
fax: xxx

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