Re: [Planner] Installing Planner


I downloaded the tarball from the planner site. But there is no autogen in the expanded code so I can't try your suggestion.
I've had another response that tells me to install the devel bits as 
well, so going to try that.
Thanks again.


lincoln phipps openmutual net wrote:

    hi - um - I've never used ./configure  I've only ever
used the autogen.

cd planner
./ --enable-gda=yes

etc etc

Could be we need to tweak a makefile. Try the ./
first and then feedback please. The --enable-gda=yes gives
you the ability to read/write to a Postgresql database (it
works but its undocumented beta).


Garrath Earnshaw wrote:

Has anyone had any installation problems? I have patched uptodate Fedoras with Gnome desktop and when I run the ./configure it get an error that it can't find libgnomeprintui.pc when it is checking libgnomeprintui-2.2. Using find and slocate I have determined that it isn't there, nor is libgnomeprintui-2.2, just libgnomeprintui22 which it clearly does not recognise. Some pointers as to what I am doing wrong, or what I need to install first would be gratefully received.
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