[Planner] Re: [Planner Dev] Planet Plannet Website launch

Kurt Maute wrote:
Hi All,
Just a public thanks for all the work on making this happen Kurt. And to 
everyone else, let's help on making this community site thrive.
// Micke

Something that's come up on the Planner lists a couple of times has been
the idea of a Planner community website - a site with some forums,
online documentation, news feeds ... you know - a friendy interface for
users, and a way to store knowledge that's both permanent and

Its been on my mind as a really cool idea, and so for a few weeks now
I've been working with the Imendio guys on it.  Its ready to go now -
all we need is members and some content!  ;)


I actually did post a bit of content - we've got the installation guide
and some FAQ's out there to serve as examples, and I'll post more as my
schedule allows, but really the point of the site is to be geared toward
community involvement, so all are welcome and encouraged to contribute!

So please have a look around, sign up for an account and feel free to
start using the site!

Imendio AB, http://www.imendio.com/

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