Re: [Planner] howto change the project starting date

cheng chung yan wrote:
i open the Project properties dialog. In General tab, it has a "Start" field, i try to type-in a day, then click "Close" button, no any changing.
I don't know it is a bug or i typed-in a wrong date format. In the old 
version of mrproject, it will shows a calender and just click to choose, 
it works. Why that change to type-in date by unknown format?
The calendar was removed since it didn't work with the undo support that 
was added a while ago. It can be added back with some extra work, it has 
just not been done yet.
Could you please point me how to do for changing project starting date?
You're supposed to be able to enter a date like you described, but there 
as been reports that it doesn't work properly, at least not in some 
environments. It actually works for me.

Imendio AB,

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