Re: Planner-list Planner: installed on MAC OS?

Use MacPorts at to install it.

Once you have MacPorts installed and running, use the command "sudo / opt/local/bin/port install planner" to install planner.
You'll have to see the MacPorts documentation for installing MacPorts,  
as its not entirely germane here.
On 8 Jan 2008, at 10:47, Andrew Senter wrote:

Hi All,

Quick Question, can you tell me if Planner can be installed on a MAC OS
system? if so were do I get the softwear from and how?

Many thanks,

Planner-list mailing list
Planner-list gnome org

Randall Wood
rhwood mac com

"The rules are simple: The ball is round. The game lasts 90 minutes. All the
rest is just philosophy."

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