Planner-list Thank you Mr. Van der Pot

2008/7/23  <planner-list-request gnome org>:
> Send Planner-list mailing list submissions to
>        planner-list gnome org
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> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Planner-list digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>   1. Re:  Digest, Vol 23, Issue 4 (Victor Bueno)
>   2. Re:  database tables not created (Maurice van der Pot)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2008 17:37:04 +1930
> From: "Victor Bueno" <victor bueno13 gmail com>
> Subject: Re: Planner-list Digest, Vol 23, Issue 4
> To: planner-list gnome org
> Message-ID:
>        <697df1df0807221507g742d8c54i16f7e332e991ab4c mail gmail com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Hi friends, i'm using debian etch with planner 0.14.3 with libgda3-3
> and postgres8.1 and when exporting it creates the database but none
> table, the same is with postgres 8.3
> does any bobody have any idea about what can cause this ?
> Best Regards
> Victor Bueno
> Deltor AG
> Caracas
> 2008/7/11  <planner-list-request gnome org>:
>> Send Planner-list mailing list submissions to
>>        planner-list gnome org
>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>>        planner-list-request gnome org
>> You can reach the person managing the list at
>>        planner-list-owner gnome org
>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>> than "Re: Contents of Planner-list digest..."
>> Today's Topics:
>>   1. Re:  date and days (Massimiliano Franco)
>>   2. Re:  date and days (Maurice van der Pot)
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Wed, 09 Jul 2008 14:02:53 +0200
>> From: Massimiliano Franco <max-lists ycom ch>
>> Subject: Re: Planner-list date and days
>> To: planner-list gnome org
>> Message-ID: <1215604973 3365 31 camel pc-02 interne ycom ch>
>> Content-Type: text/plain
>> Hi,
>>> - I have a task and subtasks.
>>> How can I change the date of the task ?
>>> I cannot change it, is it because of all the subtasks ?
>> Here's what I suppose:
>> One or more of your subtasks probably has a date constraint retaining
>> you to move your main task.
>> Max
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 2
>> Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2008 19:46:54 +0200
>> From: Maurice van der Pot <griffon26 kfk4ever com>
>> Subject: Re: Planner-list date and days
>> To: planner-list gnome org
>> Message-ID: <20080709174654 GK25302 kfk4ever com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>> On Wed, Jul 09, 2008 at 12:44:18PM +0200, Philippe Dhont  (Sea-ro) wrote:
>>> - I have a task and subtasks.
>>> How can I change the date of the task ?
>>> I cannot change it, is it because of all the subtasks ?
>> You should be able to change the start date by either:
>> - adding a predecessor task that forces it to start later, or
>> - change the schedule mode from "as soon as possible" to "no earlier
>>  than" or "on fixed date" in the task properties dialog.
>> If it still doesn't work, please submit a bug report with your planner
>> version, instructions how to reproduce the problem and, if it does not
>> always happen, a planner file that exhibits the problem.
>>> - is there a possibility to SEE the days in the html export or the
>>> printout?
>>> Like Mon, Tue, WED, ...
>>> That would be nice.
>> Not at the moment, but it is planned. See the following bugs & message:
>> Regards,
>> Maurice.
>> --
>> Maurice van der Pot
>> Gentoo Linux Developer   griffon26 gentoo org
>> Gnome Planner Developer  griffon26 kfk4ever com
>> -------------- next part --------------
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>> ------------------------------
>> _______________________________________________
>> Planner-list mailing list
>> Planner-list gnome org
>> End of Planner-list Digest, Vol 23, Issue 4
>> *******************************************
> --
> Atentamente
> Victor A. Bueno M.
> 0414-321.70.71
> 0414-900.90.81
> ------------------------------
i installed better 8.3 and its working beatiful, thank you friend

when in venezuela please contact me

> Message: 2
> Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2008 01:28:49 +0200
> From: Maurice van der Pot <griffon26 kfk4ever com>
> Subject: Re: Planner-list database tables not created
> To: planner-list gnome org
> Message-ID: <20080722232849 GF7545 kfk4ever com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 05:37:04PM +1930, Victor Bueno wrote:
>> Hi friends, i'm using debian etch with planner 0.14.3 with libgda3-3
>> and postgres8.1 and when exporting it creates the database but none
>> table, the same is with postgres 8.3
>> does any bobody have any idea about what can cause this ?
> I know that there was a bug in postgres 8.2.4 (see
>, so I don't recommend
> using anything older than 8.2.5, but 8.3 should work.
> I just tried it with 8.3 myself and it works.
> You say that planner is able to create the database, so that should rule
> out any permission problems.
> Does it ask you if it should set up the database when you try to import
> from/export to a database for the first time? You'll want to drop the
> existing database to get that question again.
> Try running planner from a terminal and having it create the database.
> Then look at the output it has sent to the terminal and check for
> errors.
> Maurice.
> --
> Maurice van der Pot
> Gentoo Linux Developer   griffon26 gentoo org
> Gnome Planner Developer  griffon26 kfk4ever com
> -------------- next part --------------
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> ------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Planner-list mailing list
> Planner-list gnome org
> End of Planner-list Digest, Vol 23, Issue 6
> *******************************************

Victor A. Bueno M.

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