Re: PyGI documentation plans

Quoting "Tomeu Vizoso" <tomeu tomeuvizoso net>:
What I think it would benefit us the most right now would be deciding
where we want to go regarding documentation. Do we want exactly the
same we had before?
Not necessarily, but it should at least offer documentation of
the same quality (or better) than what we had with PyGTK (let's be
honest, at times some gtk-doc strings for GTK+ functions/methods
can be less than descriptive or helpful). That means improving the
docs in GTK+ itself so in the end everyone benefits...

or rather a single set of documents for all
Well, reusing what's in the .gir files (coming from the gtk-doc markup
in the C sources itself) seems to me like a given as we don't want
to recreate a complete set of docs from scratch yet again as keeping
such a set up to date is hell...

I do wonder if it would be feasible to have a DevHelp/
that can present the documentation like today but with a "Programming
Language Selector" plainly visible in the interface somewhere that let's
you switch for example the documentation for GtkWidget from C to
Python/JavaScript/Vala/C#/etc. on the fly.
This probably also means each language is going to need at least some
form of control on the TOC, to be able to document things specific to
that language... Just dreaming here :)


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