Re: Using TreeModelFilter with a "modify" function

Hi Jonathan,

On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 4:46 AM, Jonathan Ballet <jon multani info> wrote:
I suspected "value" wasn't needed, but Gtk complains otherwise. So I
though it would be a GValue which I would have to set, but it's actually
a plain Python integer. Returning something from this function doesn't
help either (ie. it doesn't do anything).

So, how am I supposed to work with set_modify_func()?

Your intuition there is right, unfortunately the problem is the
callbacks annotation in GTK+ is wrong. The value argument needs to be
marked as a "out caller-allocates" and you should be able to simply
return a value. I've logged the following in GTK+

You might be able to work around this with a custom cell renderer or
perhaps use a new column purely for display purposes?


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