Re: pycairo vs py2cairo vs py3cairo

On 6/16/14, Patrick Welche <prlw1 cam ac uk> wrote:
On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 01:49:12PM -0700, Dan Stromberg wrote:
I'm attempting to compile PyGObject, which appears to require pycairo
or py2cairo or py3cairo.

The thing is, it looks like PyGObject wants py3cairo, even though I'm
(currently) building for Python 2.7.
How are you doing this part?
I'm not sure how I was doing this, or how I got past the problem, but
ISTR I had a:
CC="gcc -L/usr/local/cpython-2.7/lib -Wl,-rpath
-Wl,/usr/local/cpython-2.7/lib" in my
build shell script, and when I moved those options to a $LDFLAGS,
things started working better.

Is python 3 also installed on your system?
Yes, at /usr/bin/python3, and at /usr/local/cpython-3.[01234].

If so maybe configuring pygobject --with-python=python27 or whatever
your python 2.7 binary is might help?

Also, it kinda looks like py3cairo is a no-longer-used name (by the
python cairo wrapper project), and that it's become pycairo.  And what
used to be pycairo has been renamed py2cairo (I'm kinda guessing

What do I need to do to get PyGOjbect to build?

I'm currently using:
This is the tarball which contains to py3cairo (and py3cairo.h)
Nod.  I also have the py2cairo tarball listed below.  My script
autodetects the python major version and chooses accordingly.


The specific error I'm getting is:
 CC _gi_cairo_la-pygi-foreign-cairo.lo
pygi-foreign-cairo.c:31:30: fatal error: pycairo/py3cairo.h: No such
file or directory
 compilation terminated.

Thanks for your response.

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