Re: Freeze break approval for a simple patch

Le vendredi 20 janvier 2006 �6:51 -0700, Elijah Newren a �it :
> So, I feel kind of dumb about this, because the patch was written with
> plenty of time before feature freeze and I had intended to get this
> committed before then, but I dropped the ball.
> Anyway, I'd like to extend the double-click-on-titlebar options to
> include minimize (the default on Mac OS X, I hear, so something that
> will make Mac fans happier) and no-op (for those of us that don't like
> to be punched in the face when we accidentally double click).  The
> default will remain maximize because of the large number of former
> Windows addicts and the desire to ease their withdrawal symptoms.  ;-)
> The patch to do this is dirt simple -- two extra cases for reading the
> gconf variable, and two extra cases when checking what action to
> perform when the titlebar is clicked on.  Patch attached.

It's okay for me. You probably also want to change the description in
the schema (or are the possible values not documented there?).


Les gens heureux ne sont pas press�

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