Re: Looking forward: 2.16 plans

Le vendredi 10 mars 2006 �2:33 -0500, John (J5) Palmieri a �it :
> On Thu, 2006-03-09 at 21:24 +0100, Vincent Untz wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > As 2.14.0 is out next week, it'd be nice to start working on the 2.16
> > schedule. Any volunteer for this?
> * J5 raises hand

Cool :-)
I guess a good first step is to take the schedule for 2.13/2.14 and add
6 months everywhere. You can already create a wiki page for it.

> > Also, we should really start discussing what we're doing wrt to the way
> > we handle new modules and big changes in 2.16. I liked Jeff's proposal:
> > ask people to make the plans clear at the beginning of the release cycle
> > and start working with those plans in head (it means, start really
> > integrating the new modules early and start using new versions of
> > libraries early, etc.).
> > 
> > What do you think? Should someone write a proposal to submit it to the
> > community?
> Yes I like the idea of getting modules to be considered at the beginning
> of the cycle, giving them deadlines and seeing if they can meet them.
> Call it the gauntlet - if you can survive you are worthy ;-)  I can
> write up a proposal.  What are the key points we want to make?

Great! I don't know what other think, but key points are, IMHO:

 + have to propose the module/announce the big change before the
   2.15.1 release. This will enable everyone to have a good vision
   of the potential important changes in 2.16.
 + push for integration wherever possible in 2.15.1 and 2.15.2
   => people proposing new modules or big changes should not wait that
      others do the integration work
 + finish most of the work for 2.15.3. Community will try to reach
   a consensus before the 2.15.4 release, based on the experience of
   using 2.15.3.
 + when faced to a decision after 2.15.4, we will *really* consider
   the most conservative choice
   => "if you want to change something big, do it as early as possible"

(deadlines can of course be changed to make more sense)

This is not such a big change when you look at what we had before.
However, it makes our position clearer: we should be aggressive when
doing changes so that they're done (and known) early in the release


Les gens heureux ne sont pas press�

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