2006-September Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
evince's poppler dependency,
Elijah Newren
Re: gnome 2.17 schedule,
Andre Klapper
Glade 3.0 stable branched,
Tristan Van Berkom
Re: TARBALLS DUE: GNOME 2.16.1 Stable Release,
Vincent Untz
2.17 calendar,
Vincent Untz
Your payment has been sent to sales wholesaleipod com,
Stock News Blast,
Clemence Mina
external dependencies; trolling for more feedback, pushing to make it official ; -),
Elijah Newren
- Re: external dependencies; trolling for more feedback, pushing to make it official ; -),
Joseph E. Sacco, Ph.D.
- Re: external dependencies; trolling for more feedback, pushing to make it official ; -),
David Zeuthen
- Re: external dependencies; trolling for more feedback, pushing to make it official ; -),
Joseph E. Sacco, Ph.D.
- Re: external dependencies; trolling for more feedback, pushing to make it official ; -),
David Zeuthen
- Re: external dependencies; trolling for more feedback, pushing to make it official ; -),
Jeff Waugh
- Re: external dependencies; trolling for more feedback, pushing to make it official ; -),
Joseph E. Sacco, Ph.D.
- Re: external dependencies; trolling for more feedback, pushing to make it official ; -),
David Zeuthen
- Re: external dependencies; trolling for more feedback, pushing to make it official ; -),
David Zeuthen
- Re: external dependencies; trolling for more feedback, pushing to make it official ; -),
Joseph E. Sacco, Ph.D.
- Re: external dependencies; trolling for more feedback, pushing to make it official ; -),
David Zeuthen
- Re: external dependencies; trolling for more feedback, pushing to make it official ; -),
James Henstridge
- Message not available
- Re: external dependencies; trolling for more feedback, pushing to make it official ; -),
Joseph E. Sacco, Ph.D.
- Re: external dependencies; trolling for more feedback, pushing to make it official ; -),
David Zeuthen
- Re: external dependencies; trolling for more feedback, pushing to make it official ; -),
Joseph E. Sacco, Ph.D.
- Re: external dependencies; trolling for more feedback, pushing to make it official ; -),
Elijah Newren
- Re: external dependencies; trolling for more feedback, pushing to make it official ; -),
Murray Cumming
- Re: external dependencies; trolling for more feedback, pushing to make it official ; -),
Vincent Untz
- Re: external dependencies; trolling for more feedback, pushing to make it official ; -),
Kjartan Maraas
Evolution String break request,
Sankar P
Restore your account !,
Version of gtk+ to shoot for in Gnome 2.18?,
Elijah Newren
metacity branched for 2.16,
Thomas Thurman
Expect a big move here,
News Line,
Antonietta ailbert
- <Possible follow-ups>
- News Line,
ailbert Quintilla
Gnome Icon Theme branched for 2.16,
Rodney Dawes
Join the release team?,
Elijah Newren
[Fwd: About the 2.18 release plans (was Re: User oriented release notes)],
Quim Gil
Bring Matthias on r-t?,
Elijah Newren
external dependencies,
Matthias Clasen
[Fwd: Gnome 2.16 release notes],
Frederic Crozat
Zenity branched for GNOME 2.16,
Lucas Rocha
EOG branched for GNOME 2.16,
Lucas Rocha
Re: Malayalam is not in the supported list,
O Início do Sucesso: PLANEJAMENTO,
Tomboy branched for 2.16,
Alex Graveley
Elijah Newren
Re: gnome-2.15.92.modules,
Vincent Untz
gdm2 branched for GNOME 2.16,
Brian Cameron
Gtk2-Perl 2.16.0,
Torsten Schoenfeld
Re: control-center branched for 2.16,
Elijah Newren
GTK+, libgnomeui releases for 2.16,
Matthias Clasen
gcalctool branched for GNOME 2.16,
Rich Burridge
Ekiga 2.0.3 released,
Damien Sandras
Re: gnome-utils branched for GNOME 2.16,
Emmanuele Bassi
Evolution Freeze Break Request,
Sankar P
UI Freeze Break request to add a Help button,
Brent Smith
Re: Reverting to non-async file chooser,
Tim Janik
Re: your mail,
Davyd Madeley
Re: libgnomeui broke the string freeze,
Christian Rose
Potential blockers for 2.16,
Brent Smith
Request for UI break for Tomboy,
Alex Graveley
Request for freeze break,
Brent Smith
Code freeze break for deskbar-applet,
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Rapha=EBl?= Slinckx
Code Freeze Break Requests,
Harish Krishnaswamy
breaking hard code freeze for bug-buddy,
Fernando Herrera
Code Freeze break request,
Alexander Larsson
Request for freeze break (gnome-panel),
Vincent Untz
Branched gtk+ and libgnomeui for cancelation,
Federico Mena Quintero
Mail converted by MHonArc