Re: Stepping down; Calvin as replacement

On 1/28/07, Luis Villa <luis tieguy org> wrote:
> I'm a bit worried that Calvin is nearly unknown within the community.
> It'd make more sense to me to see him more involved before he joins the
> release team.

Historical note:

During the 2.0 cycle, we had a sun dude involved (whose name now
completely escapes me) who was also a virtual community unknown, but
otherwise had a lot of Serious Software Experience. That worked out
well- he gave good advice and was useful to have around.

That said, release team was a more active/involved group at the time;
things may be different now.

I can also vouch for Calvin being Good People(tm); I've never worked
with him directly but he seems like a really nice guy and very sharp.

Federico- what are his expectations- why does he want to be involved?
It seems to me that is a critical question.
We should probably decide on this soon and let Calvin know one way or
the other.  I initially had the same reservations as Vincent, though
Luis' comments do help.  It would be nice to hear Federico's response
to Luis' question, though...Federico?


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