Re: Break string freeze again for GDM 2.20


I think you are looking at the wrong patch.  I was meaning this patch:

These patches were improperly marked as translation in the existing
code like this.  From daemon/gdm.h:

#define GDM_DEFAULT_REMOTE_WELCOME_MSG "Welcome to %n"

From gui/gdmcommon.c:

        welcomemsg = g_strdup (_(GDM_DEFAULT_REMOTE_WELCOME_MSG));
        welcomemsg = g_strdup (_(GDM_DEFAULT_WELCOME_MSG));

The patch adds the strings to a file that is not shipped as a part
of GDM just to get the strings translated.  I'm not sure this is
the best way, but I can also use a different technique if someone
has a better suggestion.

The patch you discuss below is the patch that was already approved
by the release team a few days ago.


Am Freitag, den 07.03.2008, 13:48 -0600 schrieb Brian Cameron:
It was recently reported that there is a problem translating two strings
in GDM.  The two strings are the default welcome and remote welcome
strings that are shown to the user on the GDM dialog.

These strings are currently marked for translation, but improperly.  So
although these strings are translated for 17 languages, they are not
translated for the others.

You can read more in the bug report.

Refer to comment #10 for a description of the problem, and comment #12
for a proposed patch to fix the problem so the strings are more
clearly marked for translation.

Can I commit a patch to mark these strings more clearly for translation?
the patch you attached to your mail *does* include new strings, it is
not about strings improperly marked for translation. so i'm confused

- <property name="tooltip" translatable="yes">Show visual feedback in the password entry. Turning this option on can be a security hazard as the length of your password can be guessed.</property>
- <property name="label" translatable="yes">_Show visual feedback (asterisks) in the password entry</property>
- <property name="tooltip" translatable="yes">Use circles instead of asterisks in the password entry. This may not work with all fonts however.</property>
- <property name="label" translatable="yes">_Use circles instead of asterisks in the password entry</property>
+ <property name="tooltip" translatable="yes">Hide visual feedback in the password entry. Turning this option on can increase security, as the length of your password cannot be guessed by people looking at your screen.</property>
+ <property name="label" translatable="yes">_Hide visual feedback in the password entry</property>
-  _("Enter login details and press enter. "
-  "Press F10 for more options."),
+ _("Answer questions here and press Enter "
+ "when done.  For a menu press F10."),

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