Re: session saving support status

Hi Matthias,

2009/3/4 Matthias Clasen <matthias clasen gmail com>:
> So, session saving is back...almost..
> After building gnome-session 2.25.92 earlier today, I gave the
> resurrected session saving support a spin (thanks, Lucas !).
> While it does in fact save a bunch of desktop files in
> ~/.gnome2/gnome-session/saved-session and loads them when I log in
> again, it does not actually work remotely well enough to advertise
> this as a 2.26 feature in its current state.

Thanks for testing! :-)

> - compiz did not come back at all

How does the saved .desktop file look like? Does it have a sane Exec?

> - with metacity, all windows ended up crammed on one workspace

Metacity is not returning a valid restart command for some reason. So,
the saved .desktop file has Exec=metacity.

> - only one of my terminal windows came back

gnome-terminal is not using eggsmclient which doesn't behave exactly
like GnomeClient. The session handling gnome-terminal is probably
broken because of this (wild guess).

> - tomboy opens a search window (why is this applet (!) session managed
> in the first place ?)

Yeah, it shouldn't be session managed at all.

> - firefox asks to restore the session instead of just restoring it

Yeah, same thing happens with epiphany.

> - having gedit open brings up the "app still running" dialog at logout

Bug #553168

> - gedit does not come back with previously opened files

Again, gedit started to use eggsmclient which doesn't behave the same
way than GnomeClient.

> - the "remember now" button in the capplet does nothing

Oops, totally forgot to implement this :-P

> Do we have hope to get any of this into working condition for 2.26 ?

I'll do a full investigation on those issues. My wild guess is that
most of those issues are per-application, not in session manager. I
may well be wrong. Let's see.


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