Re: Code freeze break request for Pango

On 03/14/2009 02:20 PM, Andre Klapper wrote:
Am Samstag, den 14.03.2009, 19:06 +0100 schrieb Vincent Untz:
Attached.  The non-trivial changes are in the first and last patch.  The
first one is still quite straightforward.  The last patch is a bit
trickier, but well tested.  I'm hoping to get this in fedora soon to get
more testing.
Okay, approval 1 of 2 from me. I'm mixed on the last patch since it's
indeed trickier ;-) But I'll trust your testing here.
Basically the same feeling for me after reading and trying to understand
most of this. But as you state on a public mailing list that it is well
tested we can still blame you in public that your definition of "well
tested" is completely wrong, if 2.26.0 does not work for anybody. :-P
Kewl.  1.24.0 coming.


2 of 2.


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