Re: [jhbuild] Updated tracker to use git repository not a version which is out of date

On 18/01/11 16:11, Olav Vitters wrote:
On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 02:23:56PM +0000, Martyn James Russell wrote:
commit 4110efcde68fa37d8e9288b0741a3e4e4d136fa9
Author: Martyn Russell<martyn lanedo com>
Date:   Tue Jan 18 14:22:42 2011 +0000

     Updated tracker to use git repository not a version which is out of date

     Old version was 0.9.24
External dependency has to be a tarball. If the version is out of date,
please propose a newer version. See instructions on
I see, is that policy?

About newer versions, I have updated this in the past without needing to ask first (due to my own ignorance I must confess about the page you linked above) since I am the sole maintainer of Tracker in jhbuild.
So presumably, I can upgrade the package to 0.9.34 from 0.9.24 without 
writing an email?
FWIW, I've reverted the tarball->git change.


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