Re: Report of the release-team


On Sun, 2013-11-17 at 00:29 +0530, Himangi Saraogi wrote:

I am working on the annual report of GNOME.
Annual report for which year?

 I have written a short report of activities of the release team over
the past year. Please have a look at it and suggest improvements,
corrections or anything that I may have missed.
- "3.4 to 3.12": Four releases = covers TWO years, hence my question
above. We release two major versions every year.
- a lot of stuff feels like extremely generic marketing buzz and leaves
me highly confused.
"prepared a list of bugs" - in which situation, and for which purpose?
"The team worked on sending drafts to the bug squad" - drafts of what?
- "Bugs/patches have been added for ATK support on GNOME Shell so that
it becomes usable with Orca." - maybe that happened, but how is this
related to the release-team, instead of gnome-shell or ATK developers?
"Feedback was taken from the users (orca users starts using GNOME ) and
marketing team." - This is so vague I don't even know what to say.
"were planned to come up" - so did it?
"The release team showed its presence at a GNOME Asia," - maybe somebody
of us was there, but to me it implies that everybody was.
"for whichever features that work (ostree, jhbuild etc.)" - I don't get

I completely fail to parse the last paragraph.

In general, it reads like copying items from etc., without explaining
it. Plus that work was done by developers, not by the release-team.

So I hope this doesn't sound too harsh, but it's confusing me.

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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