Re: Release team meeting

On 2 October 2013 11:39, Frederic Peters <fpeters gnome org> wrote:
Matthias Clasen wrote:
Hey, with 3.10.0 out the door, we could do with a release team meeting to
discuss a) who does 3.10.1 (in 2 weeks) b) 3.12 schedule c) already known
plans and changes for 3.12

What do you think?
Sure; on weekend days, that would be Saturday 5 or Sunday 6, as next
weekend has Montreal summit.

Let's give us more days, at 18UTC:

         | Sa 5 | Su 6 | Mo 7 | Tu 8 | We 9 | Th 10 | Fr 11
fredp       ok     ok     no     ok     no     ok      ok
jjardon    ok    ok    no    ok    no    ok    ok

Javier Jardón Cabezas

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