On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 8:16 PM, Erick Pérez Castellanos
<erickpc gnome org> wrote:
> Hi:
> A stated in the bug here [1], Calendar is crashing in some locales. The
> proposed fix introduces a new string to be translated, which requires me to
> ask for a string break for this branch of calendar.
> The main reason for asking the break is that Calendar can not change the
> date of a any event in some locales, and crashes, render the application
> almost completely useless. This would continue for the entire 3.16.x cycle,
> leaving distro like Fedora 22 using a broken version of Calendar.
It seems important enough and it's just one string which is pretty
trivial, so here's +1 from i18n. Only one more to go.
> +Â /* This string represents day/month/year order for each of the differents
> +Â Â * languages. It could possibly be default value, %m/%d/%y placing the
> month
> +Â Â * before, or any ordering according to the translators environment */
> +Â priv->mask = _("%d/%m/%y");
If this comment is aimed only at translators, you may want to start
the comment with "Translators: …" to make it more obvious to them.
Alexandre Franke
gnome-i18n mailing list
gnome-i18n gnome org