Re: gnome-shell string break request for 3.18.1

On Mon, 28 Sep 2015 20:42:59 +0200
Piotr DrÄ…g <piotrdrag gmail com> wrote:

2015-09-28 20:31 GMT+02:00 Ekaterina Gerasimova <kittykat3756 gmail com>:
Hi all,

I would like to request a freeze break for gnome-shell for

The bug is about changing one of the string "Settings" which appears 3
times with 2 different contexts in gnome-shell to "System" with
context for translators as there is already one other instance of
"System" in gnome-shell.

I would appreciate it if this can go in for 3.18.1 because it will
make what is read out by a screen reader consistent with the
documentation about the menu.

Do I understand correctly that this string is not shown, but only spoken?

Regardless of this question, it seems important for our visually
impaired users. 1/2 from i18n.
2/2 from i18n. The terminology that is currently used in GNOME Shell is very
confusing and is not consistent with what is used in GNOME Help. Getting
this change in now will give translators enough time to update the changed


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