Re: Freeze break request for mutter

On Fri, 2018-03-09 at 12:24 +0100, Florian Müllner wrote:
Hey everyone!

As you may know, the tiling improvements in 3.26 involved a grouping
behavior that turned out rather unpopular, and after some discussion
we decided that the feature needed more work to be actually useful
reverted the change on the stable branch:

Our idea was to refine the grouping behavior this cycle, but in the
end it didn't happen. So I would like to apply that revert to the
upcoming 3.28.0 release as well.

I'm sorry this slipped into the hard code freeze period, I should
have remembered this before :-(
r-t approval 1 of 2.

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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