Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] right click context menu?

On Sun, 2002-10-27 at 07:41, MArk Finlay wrote:
> On Fri, 2002-10-25 at 21:16, Olivier Martin wrote:
> > On Fri, 2002-10-25 at 23:04, MArk Finlay wrote:
> > > Also - something that i think would be cool. Have a playlist
> > > meta-group(different icon to groups and is perminent), then we could
> > > have an "Add to Playlist" item on the context menu. Playlist could
> > > then be made into a group if user so wishes.
> > 
> > Huh?!
> Mmm the idea was to have a perminent group called "Playlist" or "Current
> Playlist". It would behave like a normal group except:
> - cant be renamed or deleted
> - different icon
> - songs can also be added to it by rightclicking in the library.

Rightclicking is isn't more efficient than dragging songs to the
playlist.. so I really do not see a point for this. What's the
difference between this and a manually created group? (Apart from not
being able to rename/delete it, and a different icon)

> The reasoning behind this was that user are used to being able to make
> once (or twice) off playlists. ie. in the next hour i want to listen to
> these two songs but i never want to listen to them in that combination
> again.

Yes. This is something we need to do in RB in some way. Seth had some
ideas on this back when we designed the new RB UI, however I think they
were a bit confusing. I plan to look at this again soon.


> This IMHO is one major piece of functionality that users are going to
> look for in rb.
> -- 
> 		 .--= [ MArk Finlay - sisob ] =--.
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