Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] features

Douglas McMorris wrote:

>On Sat, 2003-08-09 at 19:43, Damien Covey wrote:
>>I'd like to start by thanking everyone involved in this great project, 
>>including past developers.  Now I'd suggest some possible improvements 
>>to Rhythmbox as it currently is.  I know that because I cant develop 
>>these changes myself there is little hope of them being done any time 
>>soon, but I hope these suggestions get people thinking.
>>1.  Multiple selections from within the browser.
>>Reasoning:  Currently it is only possible to view either all songs in 
>>the entire Library or a subset by choosing Genre, Artist, Album 
>>combinations.  There is no way to show only songs from say two artists.
>>Suggestion:  Allow multiple selection of Genre Artist Album via the use 
>>of ctrl-clicking in the browser.
>been wanting this myself and will look into it soon... i really want to
>learn the codebase and hack on it.
>>2.  Search mechanism from browser list headings.
>>Reasoning:  Although the search box is usefull for general searching it 
>>can be too broad.  For example if I wanted to search for an album with 
>>the word 'work' in it I would currently use the search box and I would 
>>have displayed all songs with the work 'work' in them even though I was 
>>just interested in the album with that word.
>see my reply to luis
>>Suggestion:  Double clicking on on the Genre, Album, Artist list 
>>headings would bring up a search box that searches only on that type, ie 
>>Genre, Album or Artist.
>>Drawback:  Discoverability, how will users know that these headings are 
>>double-clickable or indeed searchable.  Perhaps we should split the list 
>>header into two parts with the right being a search button that only 
>>requires one click for search on?
>again, see reply
>>I know this has been suggested before but here is my take on it.
>>3.  A "current playlist" list.
>>Reasoning:  Users can't currently browse the library without interupting 
>>what will play next.  If I wanted to just play one Genre and then 
>>continue browsing I can not safely do this as when the song changes it 
>>will play from where I have currently browsed to.
>>Suggestion:  Create an 'active playlist' pane/list that is placed on the 
>>right of the Rhythmbox window similar to the 'Source' list on the left.  
>>This playlist is operated by adding songs/selections/albums to it.  The 
>>user could either click on a ">>" type button that lies between the 
>>browser and the list to add the current selection, or through right 
>>clicking and choosing the context menu option.  Perhaps context menu 
>>options could also have 'queue next' and 'queue to end' options.  Also, 
>>d-n-d would be good too as it would allow users to put their 'selection' 
>>at any order in the 'active playlist'. When multiple songs (selections) 
>>are added  they appear in the 'active playlist' as a colapsed tree (with 
>>some title) that can be expanded to see the actual songs in it.
>I my opinion this would only confuse users.  It gives you two lists of songs
>and no matter how many labels or icons you put on it, the user will
>still think that most prominent one is the one which is playing.
>For me the current setup works fine, and the functionality is already
>there, just not automatic.  you can create a "Current Playlist" group
>and then play everything in there.. dnd new stuff in and out and such. 
>This setup makes more since to me.
Ahh, this is somewhat of  a compromise I guess, why didnt I think of
that.  It just doesnt function the way I would like it to though.  I
think it would be better if when d-n-d'ing songs into the list that they
were added at the end, rather than at the begining.  Also, how about a
treeview kind of list (no idea how) so that it could contain not just
song, but albums too, or indeed other playlists.  I'd like to have a
playlist that is a list of other playlist.  Also there is no way that I
am able to order this list that I can find apart from by heading (title,
number,artist etc).  I think that if this track list could be improved
to allow arbiry ordering and perhaps some sort of tree structure (based
on albumn, or artist?) all of my needs would be catered for.

>>Those are my thoughts on where I would like to see Rhythmbox improved.  
>>No doubt there is good and bad in what I have suggested, but I do not 
>>presume to have the best answers - that is what the community is here to 
>>build and create.
>Thanks for the input.  This is why i love open source, its not some
>bully company pushing a new feature down your throat, its a community
>building apps with the features they want.
>>rhythmbox-devel mailing list

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