Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] blaat.

Jorn Baayen wrote:
> I lost faith in ever reaching a decent UI, so I took my crack pipe and
> glade-gimped this together:

Well, as far as my opinion counts (as a user who was interested in 
getting RB working again on his Debian/unstable box), I like it.

I generally don't use groups too much, so I usually have the sidebar 
hidden, and the resulting three-pane layout works well for me. When a 
album finishes playing, I hit the system notification icon, select a new 
artist and double click on the album I want to hear, and I hit the 
system notification icon to hude RB again. Easy.

The main reasons I like RB is 1) it is a Gnome2 app, and 2) it doesn't 
suffer from the UI crack that *all* of the skinnable players seem to.

> This one
> has the problems that you cannot easily queue without creating a
> playlist, not so easy to create playlists, and the evil morphing play
> button. Oh well.

This is the only problem with RB's UI that I have found, that I miss 
from FreeAMP, but to be honest, it hasn't been a real blocker for me.

> - 'smartly' decides which columns to show, for example when 'all' is
> selected so artist and album columns, but if an album is selected hide
> the album column. That way you always have the information you need,
> without the treeview being too full all the time.

That would be cool, provided it doesn't cause the UI to appear to jump 
around too much, which it might.

> - easy predefined playlist creation queries, like 'songs i havent heard
> in a week' or 'new songs'

Yes, that would be cool, as well.

> But, anyway, I think I'll retire from rb hacking for some time. I've had
> enough of it for now, especially with all this forking madness, maybe
> I'll be back hacking in some months. Just not now.

Thanks for the work you've done on it. RB is a great app, I really 
appreciate it.

> Oh, and walters, would you mind using a different list for netrb? And
> perhaps a different IRC chan too? There's been quite a lot of useless
> netrb spam on the list today.

/me looks down and shuffles his feet. Sorry about that, much of it was 
mine. :(

I'll take it elsewhere, off the list.


Mike Gratton <> <>

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