Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] audiocd view in (net)rhythmbox

> On Sun, 2003-05-04 at 10:17, MArk Finlay wrote:
> > I kind of agree. One user made the point that he has hour long mp3s of
> > live sets that he needs a slider for - and you really can't make it
> > or use the menu - so I think it has to stay for when it is needed.
> I am confused by this and your other message...are you suggesting the
> slider goes or stays?  And if it stays, where are you suggesting it go?

Sorry, am in hospital atm. Will be back out and sending coherent e-mails
in a few days ;)

I was suggesting that if should stay because sometimes it is absolutely
to have and may be hard to recreate in menus. I've since read the ideas you
about doing it in the menus and I'm thinking that I may be wrong.


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