[Rhythmbox-devel] Some suggestions

I am watching the rewrite of the database back-end (from a safe
distance) with much anticipation.  I've fallen hard for Rhythmbox
and have ripped a lot of my CDs into .ogg format.  Soon after
exceeding 2000 songs responsiveness started suffering and at 3500
songs life has become quite painful (Pentium III 750MHz laptop,
accessing songs via IEEE 802.11).  I'll beat on the new database
code as soon as it hits CVS (or arch, if I can figure that out).

As I've played with Rhythmbox, a small wish-list has been forming.

 1) It would be nice to be able to queue up songs without
    having to build a play-list.  Drag songs into the queue
    where they wait their turn.  Once played they simply fall
    off the queue.  Great for parties where everyone is a DJ.
    Perhaps the vertical "Source" area could be tabbed with
    "Queue" area in another tab.

 2) Occasionally, when playing in Random mode, a song will 
    pop up and I would like to switch to listening to that
    artist only or that album.  It would be nice to be able
    to right-mouse on the Artist or Album and "Narrow to
    Artist" or "Narrow to Album".  Now I have to hunt for
    Album/Artist in the browser views to get the effect.

 3) The incremental search feature, although nice and natural
    for an Emacs user, can be a pain when the library has 
    reached a certain size.  The erasing of a typo in the
    search field can send Rhythmbox into a thrashing mode. 
    Perhaps incremental search mode could be supplemented 
    with an optional "type text and hit return" mode.




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