[Rhythmbox-devel] Re: Functional DAAP client code

Hey everyone,
	You're very right. This is something that I guess I overlooked, but
that should have been in the back of my mind all along. We should
definitely promote the use of open standards and open formats. As for
rendezvous vs SLP, they're both IETF standards, so it makes sense to use
a single host-detection strategy as opposed to many, no? Unless you're
dying to interface with something else that uses SLP... I think RB and
JuK should support DAAP for iTunes and Ogg for as many other things as


On Mon, 2004-03-01 at 07:16, Scott Wheeler wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Monday 01 March 2004 12:18, David Hammerton wrote:
> > I'm the author of the code you mentioned in your e-mail. I did actually 
> > have intentions of making it work with Rhythmbox - but never got around 
> > to it before release.
> > 
> > Anyhow, It'd be great if you would work on doing it.  It would probably 
> > make sense for you to base your work on my library, as it seems 
> > suitable for the job. However, the library isn't very mature right now 
> > - as I wasn't really sure what kind of an interface would best suite 
> > the current media players (Rhythmbox and Juk). As a result, I'd like to 
> > work with you (and any other developers who are interested) in 
> > improving libopendaap to a more than usable state.
> Hi David, et al --
> To be honest I'd really be more interested in working with the RhythmBox folks 
> on something similar that isn't linked to a proprietary protocol (or at least 
> this is my understanding of things -- please correct me if it is in fact an 
> "open" standard) that could be shared between RhythmBox, JuK and other Free / 
> Open Source software.
> I wouldn't mind supporting iTunes streams but I would prefer to have an open 
> alternative (maybe based on SLP and Ogg Vorbis streaming) in place first...
> But mostly just rambling and of course missing most of the context.  :-)
> Cheers,
> - -Scott
> - -- 
> Peace and humptiness forever.
> - --Digital Underground
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