Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] column resizing weirdness

On Fri, 2004-02-13 at 19:44, Colin Walters wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-02-11 at 09:32, John Russell wrote:
> > I am using RB 0.65.  My question has to do with the resizing of
> > columns.  When I mouse over the border between two column headers in the
> > track list and drag to one side.... I have trouble even describing what
> > happens its so weird.  I drag the border between artist and album toward
> > artist and title and genre both resize larger?  What gives?  
> It's a consequence of the hacked up GtkTreeView subclass we're using. 
> The nice thing about it is that it constrains all the columns to fit in
> the available width, so there's never a horizontal scrollbar.
> The behavior you see is a side effect of how it tries to allocate width
> for the columns evenly.  I don't think it's going to be easy to fix, if
> it's really possible at all.
> > If so,
> > why do other apps seem to behave ok in this regard (e.g. nautilus). 
> Nautilus has it a bit easier because it only has one arbitrarily-sized
> column (the file name).  Rhythmbox has four: title, genre, artist, and
> album.

Don't the preferences allow you to have up to 9!!! columns.  That looks
really cramped without a horizontal scroll bar.  

> By the way, if you want to see what Rhythmbox would be like without this
> hack, just open up widgets/rb-entry-view.c, search for the line that
> reads:
> 	view->priv->treeview = GTK_WIDGET (rb_tree_view_new ());
> and change that to:
> 	view->priv->treeview = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_tree_view_new ());

I did this and I have to say, I think it looks a lot better with the
standard gtk tree view.  Is there any chance of switching back to the
standard widget?  Here's my reasoning for this.

1) Like I said before, with as many as 9 columns visible, no scrolling
makes most of the columns unreadable.  

2) The column resizing with the rb-tree-view looks really bad.  Its slow
and it doesn't work the way it feels like it should... and isn't that
what most of the UI tries to do anyway?

3) Using the standard widget keeps RB hackers from having to maintain
their own subclass of gtk-tree-view.  

4) the resizing thing again, just to be sure no one missed it.

I was going to attach screenshots, but right now RB is crashing whenever
I import anything.... sorry.

What do you think?


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