Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Patch : Download and show albums covers

GCZ wrote:

Would it be possible to make a single patch that one could apply to a vanilla rhythmbox 0.8.8? Arch seems to be a real pain in the ass to install, and I'm frustrated to have to wait for so long to see all of the improvements that have been made in the development branch...

Mmm-kay, I don't know why I thought tla was hard to install (I remembered something about failing to install it some time ago, I must have been confused).

So, I successfully installed tla, and retrieved the branch:

$ tla register-archive
$ tla get m pavot laposte net--2004/rhythmbox--main--0.8
$ cd rhythmbox--main--0.8--patch-2/
$ ./ --prefix=/opt/rhythmbox
$ make
$ make install

While I do have the cover area and the "cover manager" menu entry, it always displays "no cover found" even though I have a file named "cover.jpg" in every directory, and the "cover manager" menu entry does nothing (nothing happens when I click on it).

Did I check out the right branch?

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