RB and Beagle [was Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] MythTV]

Il giorno mer, 28/12/2005 alle 09.45 -0800, Sriram Ramkrishna ha
> We've been discussing this in IRC.  I haven't done the work just yet.  But
> the idea is to split rhythmdb from the ui, and then make changes to the 
> ui code.

Any plan to make Rhythmbox Beagle-enabled just like iTunes is
Spotlight-enabled in OS X?

I'm not saying we should use beagle indexing and searching routines
internally, but just Rhythmbox should export custom tags to
beagle-dependant applications.

If you can see the Spotlight video here[1] you will see an interesting
feature in Finder: when you perform a search using Finder, you can add,
for example, a "Bitrate" or "Rating" criterium. I suppose that Apple
makes its application use a common "pool" for search criteria, so Finder
can use criteria provided by iTunes (or iPhoto ....)

I don't know if current Beagle features enable you to register a new
search criterium, and of course the current Nautilus search-with-beagle
feature is too young, but IMHO the Apple idea is good. Whe should lobby
it :-)

[1] http://www.apple.com/macosx/quicktours/ It's a stream, and you need
quicktime 7  :-( 

PS Happy New Year :-)

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