Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Audioscrobbler plugin and MBID

Peter wrote:
James "Doc" Livingston wrote:
On Fri, 2006-06-30 at 20:52 +0100, Peter wrote:
Some people might have the MBID in their mp3 ID3 tags from using some analysis program (Picard, MusicTagger etc) so it would a good start if rhythmbox could extract this field and pass it to the Audioscrobbler plugin. [Should I file a "little" bug on just this?]

Could the MBID track tag even be included in the database (what about the album and artist tags if known?).
That was bug 343491, which just got fixed thanks to a patch from St� Lyngaas.

I got the latest code from CVS (and confirmed by hand that some of these changes were present). As expected is rebuilt the database due to the XML format number being increased.

(As an aside, the album art went a bit mad; My guess is it was trying to display art for the song currently being loaded into the database. I have not been able to recreate this).

The new XML has <mb-trackid></mb-trackid> fields but they are all empty, even for a few Ogg Vorbis files I know to have MusicBrainz tags.

Solved now - I had been trying to run the compiled version from the directory where I built it. I THINK this resulted in it using the "old" installed plugins.

I tried installing and then running the CVS code, and now it picks up MBID tags from both ogg and mp3 files as expected.

Sorry for any false alarm.  Good work people :)


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