Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] debian/ubuntu packaging


On Thu, Jun 01, 2006, Matthew Nicholson wrote:
> i'm interested in building a debian package (rather, ubuntu 6.06) of
> rhythmbox cvs. i've been running cvs, and doing almost daily build as of
> late, and would really like to have packages to show friends etc. 

 That's nice (way nicer than installing in /usr/local)!  Just make sure
 you use different version numbers than Debian/Ubuntu so that it's clear
 that these packages are not official.

> however, i really don't have any packaging experiance to speak of. i've
> been looing around at guide but thus far havn't gotten very far.

 It's quite well documented, see <>.

> once again, i basically just want to package from cvs, no special
> patches or anything (well, maybe use --enable-track-transfers and
> --enable-tag-writing for ./configure)

 Here's a simple guide:
 - use "cvs export" to create a snapshot
 - use AUTOMAKE=automake-1/9 ./ or similar to bootstrap the
   snapshot, and rm -rf autom4te.cache
 - make a tarball of that
 - apt-get source rhythmbox; copy the debian/ dir you get in the cvs
   export you did
 - change debian/changelog with "dch -i" and put your name in the
   version (Debian part), and the snapshot date (in the upstream
   version), put a changelog entry
 - change debian/rules to add configure flags
 - debuild and rename your tarball to the appropriate name


Loïc Minier <lool dooz org>

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