[Rhythmbox-devel] tag editing

>>>>> "BJM" == Brian J Murrell  writes:

BJM> Am I missing some library or is there still no way to update the
BJM> (MP3) tag info from within RB?  Will there ever be?  If not, or
BJM> until there is, how about a button on the track Properties dialog
BJM> that launches a tag editor on the given file?

There is experimental write support, so, yes, there is planned to be
support, from the FAQ

 Some mp3s are not detected properly by GStreamer. Rhythmbox supports
 id3 tag editing as an experimental feature. This is a feature that
 will be supported at some point in the future. Use the
 --enable-tag-writing flag to configure to enable it, at your own risk

But in practice, right now there are problems with tag writing in the
gstreamer backend:


It has worked for some versions of gstreamer 0.8 in the past with
mixed results, but doesn't yet work for gstreamer 0.10.


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