Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Exporting playlists

2007/1/5, John Russell <jjrussell gmail com>:
Select a playlist in the source tree.  Then go to the Music menu
->Playlist -> Save to file.

Ah great, that helps a bit - although it would be much better if one
would be able to access the playlist data from outside rhythmbox to
include in some script for example - but the
.gnome2/rhythmbox/playlists.xml doesn't look like easy to parse,
exspecially due to the path formatting...

It might be nice to be able to access that sort of thing from the
right-click menu on the playlist itself, but there it is.

That's right - should go on the wishlist :)

Le deagh dhùraghd,

       Frank Altpeter

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