[Rhythmbox-devel] Features I'd like to see in rhythmbox.


As you know mp3 players are now able to do more than just play music. I was wondering whether or not rhythmbox would ever consider adding features as allowing users to drag and drop video or images into their player (particularly the ipod, since I own one). Also would you guys ever consider having itune's music store as one of the provided stores?

Also, could you guys develop a mode that allow the player to display controls in a panel such as GNOME Panel, such that when the user selects minimize button? Also if you guys decide to do so, could you guys make sure that the background is transparent so it matches the color of the panel?
Here's an example: http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/273/toolbar4vj.png

Let me know if you'd consider any of this,

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