Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Banshee

On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 3:47 PM, Manel de la Rosa <dryopithecus gmail com> wrote:

I've not found another email adress where put this, so forgive me.

I only wanted to say that I find extremely unfair dumpin out Rhythmbox
from Ubunt and replacing it for a big-bloated slow mono app like
banshee, with no remarcable features over Rhythmbox.

I don't think you should disparage it just because it is a mono app.  Also big bloated is a subjective term.  I don't know the internals of Banshee but it is a pretty nice app with some nice features.  It isn't for me, but I recognize that it is good to have choice.  Without Banshee who will we compete with? :-)

Ubuntu may have decided to go with Banshee but they did bring us the Music store which is pretty nice.  We shouldn't take such decisions personally and who knows perhaps we will be on even keel later.  Right now, let's focus on making Rhythmbox is the best music player on Gnome 3.  There are some awesome stuff that Jonathan and others have done in notifications that I think is going to be really awesome.

Please, keep the great work!!!!

Ubuntu 11.XX = sudo apt-get remove banshee && apt-get install rhythmbox

I'm fairly sure that a number of Ubuntu people will continue with Rhythmbox.  After all, you have many years of Ubuntu people using Rhythmbox they have a lot of metrics on music,ratings and what not that they would have to start all over again with.  So perhaps new users will use Banshee but existing people will probably still continue to use Rhythmbox since they've invested a lot in that music player.


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