Re: Started adding GObject signals to gnome-class

I've been wanting to integrate the gnome-class stuff with glib-rs -- but
+1 from me! Just haven't had any time to investigate :(

On Wed, Aug 23, 2017, at 11:06 AM, Federico Mena Quintero wrote:
On Wed, 2017-08-23 at 09:44 +0300, Sebastian Dröge wrote:
This is good timing BTW, I was going to write a full example of
GObject subclasses with interfaces implementations, signals, action
signals, properties, virtual methods, gobject-introspection support
next week. Using the glib-rs infrastructure but otherwise manual.
Goal would be to have a baseline / template to what gnome-class
should be able to generate, to have it all written out and functional
so that also someone not knowing the implementation details of
GObject can start working on that.
See, I love it when this happens:

Federico: "hi, please help me make fire by rubbing sticks"

Sebastian: "here, have this high-tech oven instead"

Having this example of all the GObjects bells and whistles used from
Rust would be *VERY* helpful for the code generator!

I will definitely start looking at gstreamer-rs and the gtk-rs
infrastructure.  From librsvg I've only interacted with cairo-rs, which
doesn't use GIR, and a bit of the glib::translate stuff - none of the
fancy GObject wrappers.

I love the idea of having gobject_gen!() also generate Rust entry
points that look just like what gtk-rs would have.

Thanks for all the suggestions; it is very encouraging to know where to
steal examples of use :)

Ideally we would also be able to emit GIR information directly - since
the procedural macro can basically do anything in addition to emitting
tokens, maybe we can have it spit a cratename.gir/typelib on the

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