Bikeshedding the gnome-class mini-language

Hey, all!

I'm making very good progress with the rewrite of gnome-class.  I've
figured out how to port it gradually from lalrpop and the old proc-
macro scheme of things, to proc-macro2 and syn/quote.

As a reminder, gnome-class is a procedural macro that you call like

gobject_gen! {
    class Counter {
        struct CounterPrivate {
            f: Cell<u32>

        private_init() -> CounterPrivate {
            CounterPrivate {
                f: Cell::new(0)

        fn add(&self, x: u32) -> u32 {
            let private = self.get_priv();
            let v = private.f.get() + x;

        fn get(&self) -> u32 {

This generates all the GObject boilerplate to register a Counter class,
its private data, the #[repr(C)] functions to call the add() and get()
methods from C, etc.

However, GObject supports a lot of features (signals, properties, etc.)
and I am trying to come up with suitable syntax.  I would love your
feedback on the following.

By default, the answer to many things here is "what does Vala do?" :) 
This is probably often the right thing syntax-wise.  We can make it
more Rust-like as needed.

Basic syntax

Here is a bare-bones class that derives from GObject; same as the
example above:

gobject_gen! {
    class Counter {
        struct CounterPrivate {
            f: Cell<u32>

        private_init() -> CounterPrivate {
            CounterPrivate {
                f: Cell::new(0)

        fn add(&self, x: u32) -> u32 {
            let private = self.get_priv();
            let v = private.f.get() + x;

        fn get(&self) -> u32 {

You can specify the parent class like "class Foo: Bar".  If it is not
specified, the code generator assumes that GObject is your parent class.

"struct CounterPrivate" is your private struct.  Each class must have
one and only one such structures.

private_init() is a mandatory function that gets called during
initialization; you return an initialized private struct, and *that*
becomes the initial value of what gets put in the
g_type_class_add_private() chunk.

As an alternative, I want to make it possible to specify
#[derive(Default)] for your private struct, and thus not having to
specify a private_init():

gobject_gen! {
    class Counter {
        #[derive(Default)] // <- note this thing
        struct CounterPrivate {
            f: Cell<u32>


Vala supports a construct{} block, which gets called after all (construct-time?) 
properties have been set.  It uses GObjectClass::constructor.  I haven't decided
on this yet, nor on how the following from Vala would work:

    public MyConstructor (int a, int b, int c) {
        Object (some_construct_only_prop: a, some_other_prop: b); // construct superclass
        this.my_own_prop = c;

Virtual vs. non-virtual methods

Virtual methods have a slot in FooClass; non-virtual ones don't.  They
are just C functions that happen to take a &self as the first

Syntax-wise, we need a way to specify virtual / non-virtual (default
to non-virtual, like C# does), and a way to override virtual methods
from your parent class.  Some possibilities:

gobject_gen! {
    class Flarp: SuperClass {
        // ... private struct foo

        // static method
        fn florp(&self, x: i32) -> bool {
            // ... code

        // virtual method, no default handler
        virtual fn virtual_method_1(&self, x: i32) -> bool;

        // virtual method with default handler
        virtual fn virtual_method_2(&self, y: i32) {
            // ... code

        override fn foo(&self, z: i32) -> Bar {
            // do something with the superclass

For the public C API, these would generate the following prototypes in a
header file:

gboolean flarp_florp (Flarp *self, gint x);

gboolean flarp_virtual_method_1 (Flarp *self, gint x);

void flarp_virtual_method_2 (Flarp *self, gint y);

For the overriden method "foo", there presumably is a superclass_foo()

Problem: how would the code generator know which superclass struct
has the .foo field in order to override it?  Should we specify this
overriden method like

  override fn SuperClassName::foo(&self, ...);


Visibility: the code generator assumes that all the "fn" that you put
inside a class are public.  Should we instead allow "fn" and "pub fn"?
Should virtual methods be declared as "virtual pub fn" correspondingly?

Implementing interfaces

You specify which interfaces you implement like this:

  class Foo: Superclass, Iface1, Iface2 {
      // ...

Now, how to specify the implementations?

First alternative, similar to our "override" above:

  class Foo: Superclass, Iface1, Iface2 {
      override fn Iface1::method_1(&self, ...) {
          // code

      override fn Iface2::method_2(&self, ...) {
          // code

Second alternative, more Rust-like, with "impl" items inside the class:

gnome_class! {
    class Foo: Superclass, Iface1, Iface2 {
        impl Iface1 for Foo {
            fn method_1(&self, ...) {
                // code

        impl Iface2 for Foo {
            fn method_2(&self, ...) {
                // code

Third alternative, also Rust-like, with "impl" items outside the class:

gnome_class! {
    class Foo: Superclass, Iface1, Iface2 {
        // ...

    impl Iface1 for Foo {
        fn method_1(&self, ...) {
            // code

    impl Iface2 for Foo {
        fn method_2(&self, ...) {
            // code

Creating new interfaces

I haven't decided this yet.  Maybe something like

gnome_class! {
    interface Foo {
        virtual fn blah(&self, x: i32) -> bool;
        virtual fn bleh(&self, y: *const c_char);

I.e. make it similar to "trait", except that the "virtual" keywords
are there to remind you that you are not in Rust land?

That would generate the appropriate #[repr(C)] structs so that
people can implement those interfaces later.


Vala specifies signal flags like this:

    [Signal (action=true, detailed=true, run=true, no_recurse=true, no_hooks=true)]
    public signal void sig_1 ();

I think we can use function attributes:

        // no default handler, no return value
        signal no_default_handler(&self, x: u32);

        // with default handler, with return value
        signal with_default_handler(&self, e: &EventButton) -> bool {
            // default handler code here

        // signal flags; pick the ones you need
        #[signal(run_first, run_last, run_cleanup, no_recurse, detailed, action, no_hooks, must_collect, 
        signal foo(&self);

I haven't though of how to specify signal accumulators, or if we even
need them.  Is there a non-obscure case that needs them?


I took some notes about this, but they are far from final.  Vala has
good examples on what the syntax may look like; it borrows from C#,
which is nice.

Feedback is appreciated!


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