Re: Rust+GNOME Hackfest #3 ?


On 9 February 2018 at 21:16, Sebastian Dröge <slomo coaxion net> wrote:
On Thu, 2018-02-08 at 19:09 +0100, Guillaume Gomez wrote:
Hi everyone!

Considering that the previous editions were big successes, let's do
it again! Since the sooner the better, I think it's time to start
scheduling the third edition of the Rust+GNOME hackfest.

So here are a few propositions of mine:

 * I propose Madrid (Spain) for the country (Alberto Ruiz could then
join us again and find a venue)
 * I propose April for the month (seems to be the best fit for both
me and Alberto,don't know about the rest?)
 * I propose to make it last a full week this time since last
editions were a bit too rushed. Being able to sit down and talk a bit
would certainly help us a lot to move further!

Like I said, they're just propositions and are completely open to
debate. So what do you think of all this?

Sounds good to me, but one week might be a bit too much for me. Might
also conflict with the GStreamer hackfest in dates, which are also not
announced yet.

Same here. I gotta pay my cat sitter. :) If it's Madrid, it's probably
worth it though. :) I can only confirm in early to mid March.

If Madrid doesn't work for some reason, as boring as it sounds, Berlin
is always an option and I can even host 1-2 people.


Zeeshan Ali

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