Re: Rygel created UPnP stream help please

> It is then even more necessary to note how pointless it is to blindly
> obey such specification, when it is possible that at least three major
> manufacturers obtained certification based on it, while there devices
> are not implementing it.

Ah, you mean like not allowing to pause/fast forward videos when
DLNA.ORG_OP is missing, like ehm Samsung does, for example?


> Ah - HTTP 1.1 "user-agent" field.... how about using UPnP
> "manufacturer" ID instead?

Because UPnP uses HTTP quite a lot and so reuses the User-Agent (and
Server) header for this.

What I meant is, if there is no HTTP headers provided, device can be identified with <manufacturer> and possibly <modelName> / <modelNumber> ... not ideal, but better then nothing? now has a patch that
should ignore seeks based on user-agent.

Applied cleanly, compiled.

Configured with --prefix=/usr --disable-tracker-plugin  --enable-gst-launch-plugin  --enable-uninstalled   --enable-vala --without-ui

Using same rygel.conf from last time (in previous email on this thread).

--version: Rygel

 --gst-debug-no-color --gst-debug-level=3 --log-level=*:5 --port=1122 --disable-upnp --disable-plugin=media-export

This still works with XBMC, but it also still does not with Onkio and Samsung. ( Operation failed: Resource not found)

However, all debug messages I was getting on stdout are no longer there; this is all I see after starting Rygel, including successful streaming to XBMC and failed attempt to stream to Onkyo:

-------------------------------------------------- START --------------------------------
Playbin-Message: rygel-playbin-module.vala:27: Plugin 'Playbin' disabled by user, ignoring..
MPRIS-Message: rygel-mpris-plugin-factory.vala:33: Module 'MPRIS' disabled by user. Ignoring…
Rygel-Message: New plugin 'GstLaunch' available
External-Message: rygel-external-plugin-factory.vala:33: Module 'External' disabled by user. Ignoring…

(lt-rygel:7649): Rygel-WARNING **: Failed to load module from path '/storage/usr-src/rygel/git/rygel/src/plugins/media-export/.libs/': /storage/usr-src/rygel/git/rygel/src/plugins/media-export/.libs/ undefined symbol: gupnp_dlna_profile_guesser_guess_profile_from_info
--------------------------------------------- END-----------------------------------

I dont suppose above dlopen of is causing any issues because streaming to XBMC works fine? I did add :
... but is did not eliminate the attempt to load plugin? (Adding --disable-media-export-plugin option to ./configure took care of that, but made no change otherwise)

Tried removing xxx-dlnaprofile=MP3 added on your suggestion, but no change
Uncommented force-downgrade-for= "" but no change

I guess that just getting back the debug output would help but dont know what else to do except --log-level=*:5and conf file equivalent of log-level=*:5 (It seems --gst-* flags are no longer used?)

Flag --config=/etc/rygel.confxxxs is ignored or I misunderstood it's use?

Tried specifying GstLaunch config with  --plugin-option= flags below, but that did not seem to enable GstLaunch plugin (Plugin 'GstLaunch' disabled by user, ignoring..) :

--plugin-option=GstLaunch:enabled:true --plugin-option=GstLaunch:launch-items:bumpandgrind --plugin-option=GstLaunch:bumpandgrind-title:@HOSTNAME@ --plugin-option=GstLaunch:bumpandgrind-mime:audio/mpeg --plugin-option=GstLaunch:bumpandgrind-launch:'audiotestsrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! lamemp3enc target=quality quality=6'

(also tried quoting the whole last option : --plugin-option='GstLaunch:bumpandgrind-launch:audiotestsrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! lamemp3enc target=quality quality=6')

Also tried recompiling without --enable-uninstalled and installing, but no change

Yes. And in fact to some degree that was intentional by DLNA. Some
devices are not meant to work together without a third one.

As long as between two devices there is at least one that has control point, one that has renderer and one with server, surely the third (physical) device is not needed? As in N9 example, which has a server and control point, and my Onkyo which is a renderer (and a control point BTW). Both certified, but not working together.

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