Re: pulse audio / gstlaunch problem

You're either missing pulsesrc or lamemp3enc; on a debian-based system,
this would be fixed by apt-get install gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio

Dear all,

I followed the instructions at and my soundbridge
device 'sees' the rygel mpeg audio stream,
but when connecting to this stream rygel prints

        (rygel:32715): MediaEngine-GStreamer-WARNING **: Failed to
        create GStreamer data source for gst-launch://pulsesrc
        device=upnp.monitor !  lamemp3enc target=quality quality=6:
        Could not create GstElement for URI gst-launch://pulsesrc
        device=upnp.monitor !  lamemp3enc target=quality quality=6
        (rygel:32715): Rygel-WARNING **: rygel-http-request.vala:105:
        Not found

on the command line.

Any hints ?

Regards, Uwe
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