Re: Lost media

Rygel 0.29.1

Was lazy about upgrading since it's been working great so far

I haven't restarted rygel yet, should I flush the db or something, first?

On 04/06/2016 12:36 AM, Jens Georg wrote:
I had just made a big oops: I moved the directory that contains most of
my videos to another location, and symlinked the new path back to the
old one
Apparently that caused Rygel to go haywire and it started deleting all
the videos I had in there...
Wow. Sorry about that :( Sounds fairly easy to reproduce. Which
version is this?

Thankfully, I have a btrfs snapshot of most of the video files, but it
might be not so lucky for someone else who encounters this behavior.

IMHO, a media server should never ever delete media files without user's

OK. And probably never with a config option like "allow-deletion=false"

That one should just prevent remote deletion through UPnP.
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